Sponsoring mathematics olympiad held in honor of Batmunkh. A

Sponsoring mathematics olympiad held in honor of Batmunkh. A

Khulan. O

Mathematics Olympiad held in honor of Batmunkh.A was successfully organized among teachers and students of 10 provinces and districts through 29-30th of September, 2018 for the fourth time. The Olympiad was organized by Mongolian Securities Exchange, Education and Culture center of Govisumber province, School #1 of Govisumber province, “Batmunkh.A foundation” NGO; and was sponsored by “Od Burtgel Audit” LLC, Mongolian Security Exchange JSC, Tsogt and Nandin  DPP and And Energy JSC.Approximately 300 teachers and students from 10 province and districts have participated in the Olympiad divided into following groups: students of 6-12th grade, primary and middle school mathematics teachers.

First 3 places were awarded for each group. First place winner of group from students of 12th grade was awarded with one year tuition fee.
We would like to express the gratitude to employees of Odburtgel Audit LLC for the support provided to Youth and Children of Mongolia.